Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Designing from without, pancakes edition!

While browsing the web this week I came across this cool little site:
This guy makes pancakes for his daughter. What makes them so original? They’re 3-dimensional!

This is a guy who definitely gets his inspiration from his materials. Who knew you could take flat pancakes and make them 3-D? He started by making flat pancakes in different shapes. From there he began to add color and experiment with different thicknesses of pancakes. It led to him making a turtle out of pancakes. He was experimenting with shapes and if he could make the turtle shell round.

Jim has a channel on youtube, and in the video he shows users his different methods of dispersing the pancake batter onto the griddle. He had an old ketchup bottle, a syringe, and a few other devices. After that he started making bridges and dinosaurs out of pancakes. Stacking pancakes and coloring them only gets you so far.

The creation that stood out to me the most was the ferris wheel he created. The ferris wheel has individual seats on it too! After experimenting with the turtle, Jim discovered that he could make building blocks of pancakes, and then assemble them on the griddle using pancake batter. The secret is over cooking the pancake apparently; he says it makes the pancakes like balsa wood. His pancake “civil engineering” is featured in one of his videos on his youtube channel.

To develop something so innovative from flat, limp pancakes is amazing and takes lots of experimenting and creativity with materials. His pancakes pushed the limits of what we used to think was possible with pancake batter. 

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